Do For Me - The Moral Is ...
A story well spun tells itself over and over. This favorite tale is a bold revelation about the one who gives with anticipation of...
The Little Red Hen
Stories with a Catch - The Little Red Hen makes it happen! So well done that everyone wants a piece of the result...
Praying on One Customer
When your business is fawning over one customer, significantly more than any other customer, you have a risky situation. You pray every...
Where's that Spreadsheet!
Filename, Filename, my filename and sheet name! We work with hundreds of spreadsheets and frequently spend hours just trying to find the...
Creating the Best Team.
It takes courage to choose the best and embark on a course of action to position your company to be the best. You need a team. Great...
Knowing your Statistics
Your financials are your friends. As the CEO of the company, your financial results and the teammate that keeps you informed are your...
What you do about what you know.
You know that your business is growing and you want to explore the options - more revenue, joint venture, investment, acquisition. You...